Aubrey really enjoyed the octopus we had for lunch yesterday so I decided to make that today’s craft project.
First we gathered our supplies, construction paper, an octopus template from teacher book, watercolors, scissors and glue. (sorry didn’t take a picture of this)
Then Aubrey painted the Octopus while we talked about where they live, how many arms they have and what they eat.Next while the paint was drying we curled the arms for the Octopus. I gave her a pencil to wrap the construction paper around to make them curly.
Finally we glued the arms on the octopus and let dry.
Aubrey really enjoyed this project and wanted to name her new friend, so we cam up with Ollie. Ollie has been our playmate all morning and is currently getting a taste of Aubrey’s yummy goldfish snack!
Mariah, I love the themed week – so cute 🙂 Aubrey is going to remember all this stuff and love thinking about it. Can’t wait to see you Thur night!