My sweet little Aubrey will start Preschool in a few weeks and I wanted to do something cute for “back to school” gifts for her teachers. We LOVE teachers (since almost everyone in our family is a teacher) and I of course can’t resist a cute craft.
When I saw this adorable idea on Someday Crafts (via Cute as a Fox Creations) I knew right away this would be the perfect gift for her teachers. I rounded up the supplies at the dollar store, and picked up extras since I knew there would be a certain redheaded sister and a few friends who would like one as well. 🙂 Here is what I used:
– Red ramekins from the Dollar Store (comes in a pack of 3)
– Red Hots from the Dollar Store
– Green Ribbon & white pipe cleaner painted brown
– Cling Wrap
These little apples were a cinch to make and cute, cute, cute! I printed out tags and note cards from TomKat Studio to personalize each one. I think these little apples are darling!
I hope everyone is ready for school to start…good luck I hope you all have an amazing school year full of lots of fun, learning and adventure.
**I also saw this idea for fortune cookies and may have to make those as well. :)**
That is too adorable! I love how you staged them on a chalkboard too. Pipe cleaner is a great idea. Much less mess. I'll let you know when I feature them on my blog!
Thanks for letting me know you made them. 🙂