We have been doing several Christmas crafts & this was one of our favorites. I will also always remember this craft because it has a funny story to go with it (although it was not funny at the time!)
While outside collecting branches for the snowman’s arms my lovely almost 3 year old decided she needed to lock the front door. Needless to say I spent the next 10 minutes outside in the cold trying to coach her how to unlock it, yelling at her do “unlock the door, NOW!” and wondering what on earth I was going to do (keep in mind my 3 kids under 3 are all inside.)
Anyway, she enjoyed making it and it is a simple and easy craft to inspire some frosty fun.
1. Gather your supplies – Blue paper for background, circle templates, cotton balls, glue & accessories.
2. Have child glue the cotton balls to the circles.
3. Add your embellishments to dress up your snowman.
4. Glue the finished snowman to the background paper & let child glitter snowflakes to complete the look.I let P&P play with the cotton balls & some Tupperware while we made this craft. They were curious & had a good time. Do you have any good activities for 15 month olds? I don’t do near as many crafts with my older one these days because these 2 won’t sit still & just want to eat everything which make it harder to do crafts.
Aww, this is adorable!
Really, really cute!
So so cute! At Luke's day school they learned a color each week…and then they would paint or color an animal that is that color (ex: yellow duck). He comes home with a lot of simple crafts using construction paper cut outs with paint or stickers and also handprint crafts all are based on what they are learning. I love the handprint turkey placemat sent home at Thanksgiving.