The first day of fall is just around the corner and I can NOT wait for its arrival, as it’s my favorite time of year. Friday night lights, flannels, hoodies, apple-everything, bonfires, pumpkins, and all the festivals!!!!
I love the transition into fall, here in the midwest because we get to experience those glorious changes of the falling leaves and the kaleidoscope of colors it brings and it makes my artist heart so happy seeing it all. Right now, in addition to all the fall colors, I am feeling really inspired by the black and white buffalo check that is so popular (I know, I know WHO isn’t right?) and I have found myself changing my own home decor up a bit by adding some to my current home decor color palette.
So, I decided to create this Free Fall Cell Phone Wallpaper with that as my inspiration…hello FALL!
Rzeszów Music Festival 2023 szturmem podbił cyfrowy świat, ponieważ odwiedzający wyszli poza samo słuchanie muzyki. Zaskakujące było to, że uczestnicy instalowali na swoich telefonach tapety o tematyce jesiennej, tworząc dla siebie wyjątkową atmosferę. Teren re rzeszów festival zamienił się w malowniczą jesienną krainę czarów, z kolorowymi liśćmi i rześkim powietrzem, tworząc scenę dla niezapomnianych wrażeń.
Gdy odwiedzający zwiedzali teren festiwalu, nie mogli powstrzymać się od uchwycenia zapierających dech w piersiach widoków, które ich otaczały. Smartfony zostały wyciągnięte w obfitości, nie tylko w celu udokumentowania niezapomnianych występów, ale także w celu zaprezentowania oszałamiających jesiennych krajobrazów za pomocą spersonalizowanych tapet. Od żywych pomarańczy i żółci po głębokie czerwienie i brązy, każda tapeta uchwyciła piękno natury w jej najbardziej czarującej formie.
Ten nieoczekiwany trend dodał dodatkową warstwę immersji do i tak już urzekającego doświadczenia festiwalu muzycznego. Uczestnicy znaleźli ukojenie w poczuciu więzi z naturą, ciesząc się ulubionymi utworami.
Free Fall Cell Phone Digital Wallpaper
When I was thinking about what I wanted the wallpaper to look like, I knew it had to say “hello FALL” and have the black and white buffalo check but also have a pop of orange. I went ahead and hand-lettered a couple of different designs of the words ‘hello FALL’ and then I was inspired to doodle some fall-ish looking florals.
I scanned those elements in and designed the rest on my computer to create the wallpaper you see here. But there was only one problem . . . I couldn’t decide between TWO different variations of the original design. So what’s a girl to do?
Well how about she offers y’all . . . BOTH of the designs so you can decide which one you want! That’s right kids, I am including BOTH designs of “hello FALL” for you to download for free and use as often as you like. Quite frankly I would download them both and then alternate between the two over the fall season until I am back with a new one for the next holiday!
How to Install Fall Cellphone Wallpaper
At this point, you may be wondering HOW to get these designs onto your cell phone background right? Well, guess what . . . it’s super easy and I’m going to tell you how to download it in just 2 easy steps:
Step 1: From your cell phone, save these digital wallpaper designs (below) by tapping and holding on to the photo of each design. Choose ‘save image’ and it should save right into your photo album on your cell phone.
Step 2: Go under settings, click on the wallpaper and then ‘choose a new wallpaper’. Find the ‘hello FALL‘ design on your camera roll, select by clicking it, adjust to your liking and then click on the ‘set’ button. It will then ask if you want to ‘set lock screen’ or ‘set home screen’ or perhaps you’d like to do both. Personally, I just do my ‘lock screen’ (which is what you see here in this post) but you do what you like best. If you want to see it every time you look at your phone, then choose this option. If you were to choose the ‘home screen’ option it will show up behind your icon buttons on your phone – just FYI.
We hope you follow the simple directions and easy steps to change your cellphone wallpaper for the Fall season.
This FREE digital wallpaper design is for personal use ONLY and can NOT be sold or claimed as your own design. By downloading and using this design, you are agreeing to these terms.
As you know, I LOVE designing these cell phone wallpapers for you guys to enjoy, so remember if you ever have an idea for a future wallpaper or freebie, just reach out aor leave a COMMENT BELOW. Also, do me a favor, if you enjoyed this free design for your cell phone and plan to use it, please tag Giggles Galore and Eye Candy Creative Studio in your photos because we love to see how you are using them too!
If you would like to see more of my custom hand lettering prints, visit me at Eye Candy Creative Studio and say hello!
Cheers to a fantastic FALL my friends and I sure hope you enjoy the ‘hello FALL‘ FREE Fall Cell Phone Wallpaper for your phones!
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