One of my favorite things about being a parent is having the opportunity to create memories & traditions with our kids. As a child one of my favorite Christmas traditions was building gingerbread houses. My parents love this time of year & there are so many special memories to choose from, but I always loved the gingerbread creations my family would create. Now these weren’t just any old houses, they were elaborate works of art (I wish I had a picture to show you). Sometimes there would be an entire village, houses with working lights or the two story houses complete with a front porch.
I wanted to start this tradition with our kids, but just didn’t feel like I had the time. After sharing this with my mom she droped by one evening with a gingerbread kit and said she couldn’t wait to see what we created. Now this beauty looks nothing like the houses my amazing parents created, but we had a blast decorating it as a family and Aubrey especially enjoyed tasting the treats. I know it will be a tradition we carry on for many years to come.Do you have a favorite Christmas tradition from your childhood? Have you started any new ones with your family?
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