Today was Aubrey’s “Special Day” at school. At her school they celebrate each child’s birthday and the kids are supposed to decorate and bring a poster with fun facts about themselves and they can bring treats to share with the class.
They gave me the poster a few weeks ago and I had plans to decorate it with Aubrey last week thinking that her day was last week, but realized it wasn’t until this week, the 19th. For whatever crazy reason I got it in my head that the 19th was Friday, I was going to make treats and we were going to decorate her poster when she got home from school today. Then it finally dawned on me while I was trying to rush around and get the kids in the car that TODAY is the 19th!!! No poster, no treats…WORST MOM EVER! I quickly let Aubrey change into something more special and promised her I would have her poster and treats ready. I immediately called my sister and begged her to come help me, I had an hour to get home make treats, a poster and get ready.
I made it back to the school to celebrate my sweet girls birthday with her school friends and she was so excited to pass out treats to her friends and tell them all about her. I took the camera, but it didn’t have a memory card in it (go figure) so pics from my phone will have to do.
Nice! Happy Birthyday Aubrey!! Now tell me how did you get this all done!! Lol. It is amazing what we can get done in the name of love. The poster looks great and so do the treats. Thank you for sharing.